Meet Aubrey Black, Her favorite subject is history and hopes to pursue it as a major in college. She is so dedicated she does her own research outside of class. Aubrey follows the A.H.S (accountable, honorable, and safe) by making it to class early and turning her homework in on time. People describe her as very happy . She loves her cat named Musi. The cat is named after spam musubi. Her favorite color is blue. Aubrey believes that you should try your best, but it’s ok to struggle, you don’t have to beat yourself up about it.
Mrs. Bell says, “Aubrey wins the gold star for taking Creative Writing THREE years in a row! Aubrey is a talented writer who is working on a novel, among many other writing endeavors. She also is very kind, funny, and thoughtful with a fabulous style.”
She is also an AP Scholar for 2024 testing.