Today, on the morning announcements, 3/15/2025, we met the new counselor, Ms. Casas, and reviewed the graduate profile! The Google Meet cut us short, but here is the video for viewing. You can find more about Ms. Casas at the bottom of this page.
As far as our graduate profile, did you know we have a roadmap that outlines the qualities and skills every student should have upon graduation. It serves as a guide for your journey through your high school education, helping you understand what you should aim for in terms of academic, personal, and social development. It’s basically a vision of the kind of person our teachers hope we all become after our time at Atascadero. These were adopted by the Board of Trustees: August 18, 2015 as they believe these is skills are essential for success in today’s world. Whatever your path, having these skills is helpful in living a well rounded life.
Graduate Profile: Preparing the Top Students in the Nation
Critical Thinker Our graduates are original thinkers. They observe, they wonder, they create, and they have the ability to solve real world problems.
Effective Communicator Our graduates convey their thoughts and responses clearly and comprehensively. They have highly refined reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
Teammate Our graduates are skilled collaborators and understand the value of achieving common goals through teamwork.
Self-Directed Individual Our graduates accept responsibility for their learning. They recognize their strengths and work to their full potential. They value learning as a life long skill.
College and Career Ready Scholar Our graduates navigate the pathways that connect education and employment to a productive, rewarding and secure life.
Responsible and Contributing Citizen Our graduates display integrity and civic responsibility. They aim to make a positive contribution to their communities.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: August 18, 2015
Also check out the flyer below introducing Ms. Casas! She is a new counselor for Di-K students! Welcome Ms. Casas we are glad you are here!